Business Acumen – A Competitive Edge for Leaders at Every Level

Business Acumen is one of the key competencies every leader in every organization at every level needs to be viewed as a true business partner.  As I was reviewing various definitions for Business Acumen I came across the one on Wikipedia.  It reads as follows: “Business acumen is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. The term “business acumen” can be broken down literally… Continue Reading »

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Twitter chats have been around for quite a while but I have only recently started to participate. Although unintentional I had been on a social media hiatus and was looking for ways to re-engage.   My friend and HR colleague Joel Peterson (follow him at @joelyoh) shared one of his commitments, which I thought was a great idea — participate in a Twitter chat several times a week. Here’s how they work – The chat is held at a specific day and… Continue Reading »

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Why Twitter?

Why Twitter?

When I first joined twitter in March of 2010, I wasn’t sure of where to start or what the true benefits would be.  It might seem that most people today would know and understand the benefits but I regularly talk to folks about my experience and what I have gained over the last three years. Research:  There is a wealth of information available on twitter.  This includes links to blogs, articles and research papers.  With twitters search capability it is… Continue Reading »

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“How you come across to others is too important to be left to chance.”

“How you come across to others is too important to be left to chance.”

— Phil Geldart I recently facilitated a New Leader’s Assimilation Meeting with her team.  I am sure both parties (new leader and team) had some sense of trepidation but all participated in the meeting with honesty, candor, commitment to developing a strong, impactful team, a positive attitude and a sense of fun.  The team posed some great questions, shared some valuable insights and the new leader responded with authenticity; meaning in some cases, she did not yet have the answer…. Continue Reading »

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“A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.”

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.”

-Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC) Life is a journey, filled with a number of journeys within. The re-launch of my company as HR Aligned Design has been a big step on one of the bigger journeys within. Consulting was never in the plan! However in 2010 I made the decision to try consulting. I was committed to making Hoffmann and Associates a success but knew I could try something else if consulting didn’t work out. As anyone… Continue Reading »

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