Category: Social Media
Posted on April 1st | Comments 0

I have always loved Ted Talks — short, to the point presentations packed with thought provoking ideas and useful information. The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers implemented its version in the form of CHART Talks. I had the honor to share my thoughts on how Social Media is impacting the Leadership Skills needed for the workplace. You can also read more in my previous blog post. What other leadership skills do you think we will need to be… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Development, Leadership, Social Media, Uncategorized
Posted on June 20th | Comments 0

Social media literacy is fast becoming a source of competitive advantage both for organizations and individuals. What was unknown just a few years ago has become our daily reality. Many organizations realize the potential of harnessing these new technologies: social media campaigns engage customers and potential employees alike, internal social networking sites and blogs encourage the sharing of ideas and best practices as well as increase the opportunity for improved communication, on-line meeting and collaboration tools enable global teams to… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Culture, Development, Leadership, Social Media, Talent Management
Posted on April 23rd | Comments 0

Organizations are rushing to understand, incorporate and manage Big Data. However, like many big changes in recent years its use and application will be different by organization and the various departments within those organizations. Using the example of Social Media, I have regularly encouraged organizations to think first of their organizational goals and then determine how and if social media will help the organization achieve those goals. Many organizations incorporate social media believing its use is required to stay “up… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Big Data, Business Acumen, Business Partner, Human Resources, Measurement, Metrics, Social Media
Posted on April 5th | Comments 0

Twitter chats have been around for quite a while but I have only recently started to participate. Although unintentional I had been on a social media hiatus and was looking for ways to re-engage. My friend and HR colleague Joel Peterson (follow him at @joelyoh) shared one of his commitments, which I thought was a great idea — participate in a Twitter chat several times a week. Here’s how they work – The chat is held at a specific day and… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: HR Aligned Design News, Human Resources, Leadership, Social Media, Talent Management, Twitter, Twitter Chats
Posted on April 2nd | Comments 0

When I first joined twitter in March of 2010, I wasn’t sure of where to start or what the true benefits would be. It might seem that most people today would know and understand the benefits but I regularly talk to folks about my experience and what I have gained over the last three years. Research: There is a wealth of information available on twitter. This includes links to blogs, articles and research papers. With twitters search capability it is… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, HR Aligned Design News, Human Resources, Social Media