Category: Retention
Posted on December 12th | Comments 0
In today’s fast-paced and competitive workplace, building and sustaining high-performing teams is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Teams are the engine that drives organizational success, delivering results that individuals cannot achieve on their own. But creating a team that consistently delivers impact requires more than assembling talented people. It takes intentional development, clear direction, and a culture that fosters collaboration and accountability. The African philosophy of Ubuntu—”I am because we are”—perfectly captures the essence of impactful teams. As Nelson… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Development, Leadership, Retention, Teams, Trust
Posted on September 26th | Comments 0
This concise and impactful presentation focuses on the importance of providing a structured and supportive introduction to leadership roles, helping new leaders navigate their early days with confidence and clarity. We explore the key elements of a successful onboarding process, from understanding organizational culture and building key relationships to setting clear expectations and goals. Attendees gain practical tools and frameworks that can be immediately applied to create a seamless transition for new leaders. Insights on the Grow – LIVE offers… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, Coaching, Communication, Culture, Development, On-Boarding, Retention, Teams
Posted on September 26th | Comments 0
In today’s fast-paced world, communication clarity is more important than ever. Whether you’re leading a team, managing a project, or simply engaging in everyday conversations, clear communication is the cornerstone of success. When done right, it builds trust, fosters collaboration, and minimizes misunderstandings. But what exactly makes communication clear? And how can you leverage it for the best results? Why Communication Clarity Matters Clear communication ensures that expectations, ideas, goals, and intentions are accurately conveyed, reducing the risk of confusion… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, Coaching, Communication, Culture, Development, Engagement, Performance Management, Retention, Teams, Trust
Posted on August 9th | Comments 0
As children, many of us played the game “Follow the Leader”. The rules as I recall them were simple; everyone got in a line behind the “Leader” and did whatever they did or told us to do. The rules of leadership in the real world are not so simple and leaders cannot expect team members to “get in line” and do whatever they tell us to do. As a leader, especially a new leader or First Time Manager inspiring team members… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, Culture, First Time Managers, Leadership, Retention, Trust
Posted on July 31st | Comments 0
Becoming a First Time Manager can be one of the most challenging and overwhelming career transitions. As many studies will tell you, an effective on-boarding program substantially increases the success of someone joining a new company. 77% of new hires who hit their first performance milestone had formal on-boarding training. Organizations with a standard on-boarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity Yet, not every company has a formal on-boarding program for new employees let alone provide guidance for First Time… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, Development, Feedback, Leadership, On-Boarding, Retention, Uncategorized
Posted on April 20th | Comments 0
I LOVE Stories…especially those that are about or based on true life. That may be why I like to read historical fiction, why I am a big fan of “Humans of New York” (HONY) and why I loved to listen to my Mom and Dad tell stories about our family and growing up. I am especially grateful to have my Dad’s home movies and recordings of my cousin interviewing my Mom and my Aunt about their childhood. Both of these… Continue Reading »
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Posted Under: Building Relationships, Culture, Human Resources, Leadership, Retention, Uncategorized