Category: Trust

The Leader’s Role In Psychological Safety

The Leader’s Role In Psychological Safety

Let’s talk about something that’s absolutely crucial for the success of your team: psychological safety. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s the foundation for a thriving, innovative, and productive workplace. But what exactly is psychological safety, and why should you, as a leader, care about it? More importantly, how can you create an environment where your team feels safe to speak up, take risks, and be their authentic selves? Let’s explore these questions together. What is Psychological Safety? Amy Edmondson,… Continue Reading »

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Hopes For Our Future Workplaces

Hopes For Our Future Workplaces

A group of thoughtful and interested business professionals get together each week to share Lessons Learning.  As a group, we have learned and experienced a lot over the last six months. I recently posed a question to the group: What learnings do you hope we will carry forward into the future workplace? TRUST MORE:  Working from home has created a scenario in which managers are no longer able to monitor work in person. They must trust their direct reports to accomplish their… Continue Reading »

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The benefits of teamwork are many, to individuals as well as organizations.  New and innovative ideas surface faster, the quality of work improves, efficiency increases, stronger working relationships are developed, team members are given more learning opportunities and sharing the load improves work/life balance. Bringing people with individual and unique talents together is a competitive advantage for companies. However, the benefits of working of teams do not materialize without some forethought, conscious planning and development of the team.  Today, we… Continue Reading »

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As children, many of us played the game “Follow the Leader”. The rules as I recall them were simple; everyone got in a line behind the “Leader” and did whatever they did or told us to do.  The rules of leadership in the real world are not so simple and leaders cannot expect team members to “get in line” and do whatever they tell us to do.  As a leader, especially a new leader or First Time Manager inspiring team members… Continue Reading »

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