Category: Culture

Get Your Social On! – Key Skills For Leaders in the 2020 Workplace

Get Your Social On! – Key Skills For Leaders in the 2020 Workplace

Social media literacy is fast becoming a source of competitive advantage both for organizations and individuals. What was unknown just a few years ago has become our daily reality.  Many organizations realize the potential of harnessing these new technologies:  social media campaigns engage customers and potential employees alike, internal social networking sites and blogs encourage the sharing of ideas and best practices as well as increase the opportunity for improved communication, on-line meeting and collaboration tools enable global teams to… Continue Reading »

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Creating Your Employee Value Proposition

Creating Your Employee Value Proposition

An organization’s brand is like a coin…it has two sides.   One is focused externally on the value created for their customer and the other is focused internally on the value created for their employees – your Employee Value Proposition (EVP).  Your EVP articulates the mix of offerings and opportunities an employee will experience throughout the Employee Lifecycle that will differentiate your company from your competitors, in return for what the employee contributes. Just as we want to create that emotional… Continue Reading »

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“How you come across to others is too important to be left to chance.”

“How you come across to others is too important to be left to chance.”

— Phil Geldart I recently facilitated a New Leader’s Assimilation Meeting with her team.  I am sure both parties (new leader and team) had some sense of trepidation but all participated in the meeting with honesty, candor, commitment to developing a strong, impactful team, a positive attitude and a sense of fun.  The team posed some great questions, shared some valuable insights and the new leader responded with authenticity; meaning in some cases, she did not yet have the answer…. Continue Reading »

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